Monday, April 4, 2011

Neglected, Guilty as Charged

Oh little blog of mine I've neglected you so!  I'd like to have a good reason for you but you'll just have to accept the fact that I've been living life and well, OUR LIFE IS BUSY.
I tried to keep a list of all the funnies that have errupted out of PB's mouth the last few weeks but honestly at this stage there are just to many.  He is quite the character and makes us laugh each and every day.

So I will just quickly recap our last few weeks for you:

*we had the first of several fundraisers for our trip to Vegas in July for Cheer Nationals. The secret is out, my DH can flip some mean pancakes.  He no longer has any excuses to not make breakfast on Sundays.  Although he claims he didn't make the batter so technically he didn't make the pancakes.  But I know he can read, so combine that with flipping and voila, we have pancakes folks. 
Oh but wait, I don't like pancakes, CRAP!

*started the shopping process for the kids Spring/Summer clothes.  That alone is reason enough to not post for a few weeks.
PB is easy and his clothes are so CHEAP!!!  Between OshKosh, Gap Outlet and Target that kid has enough clothes for the entire summer and our checkbook didn't scream at me to "SHUT THE FRONT DOOR" when I opened it back up.
Now turn the table to PG and OMG!!!  We've purchased & returned 5 pairs of shorts.  We start there because that is the biggest battle to overcome--the rest of the outfit is easy peazy!
I pick them up when I am out shopping for PB.  Really it's just easier that way, or at least it used to be.

A few things I've heard are: 
they're to long.
my response: not when I'm paying for them!
they make my butt look to small......WTH????  (Rest assured I'll be looking to see if they have that style in my size @ the return visit) :) 
Hey mom, did you know they have "the brand I really want" shorts?
Yep, I saw some today.  They are pretty cute.  But I am not paying $88 for a pair of shorts.

$88 for 4 inches of material????  Really, this is a joke right.  It is close to April 1....
Nope, not a joke, just ridiculous! Add in the fact that they will only last 1 season and you have a recipe for HELL NO with a side of GET A JOB!
Needless to say we are still on the hunt.  Maybe I'll just take her jeans in to a seamstress and have shorts made!!

*did a little spring cleaning in my clothes closet to show mother nature that she is not the boss and no matter how hard she tries she can't keep Spring away forever.  Well, she sure showed me.  The one day I asked for it be nice so we could enjoy the baseball home opener, the biotch called in all the clouds in the Northern Hemisphere to hover over Kansas City and take little tinkles all over my parade.

*PG started back up with school cheer after having I think what was an entire 2 week hiatus.  We are in round 2 of Varsity cheer for High School!  Yep, I'm a proud momma!!  Makes it a bit easier to write that check in a few weeks!

*DH played in a golf tourney this past weekend.  PG was out on the town for the weekend as usual. So it was just me and PB for most of the weekend.  We took a trip to a hoppin' hamburger joint where we met up with my SIL and his cousins.  After lunch we took the kids to a local farmstead.  We all had a great time.  PB and I headed home for a BBQ with some neighbors.  Sunday was supposed to be a day at the park but that biotch Mother Nature showed back up with 40+ mile an hour winds.  We decided to break out the Shrinky Dinks I bought myself PB earlier in the week.  Later that afternoon we decided that Mother Nature was not going to ruin our entire day with her huff & puff and we ventured outside. 
I think our bubbles ended up in Timbuktu but we still had fun and that cranky biotch didn't ruin our whole day, so HA!!!
Don't turn your back on me lady cuz I will get you!
Have a great week everyone!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break Funny

     This past week was Spring Break for PG.  It reminded me of when the DH and I were married in Vegas.  We had several family members and friends join us on the 4 day adventure.  It was such a blast.  We knew before going that we needed to assign keepers to the DH's youngest brother.  He was a wild one and someone needed to make sure he showed up for the wedding.  It was a close one I tell ya!  When we arrived in Vegas he couldn't even take his bag to his own room.  He dropped it in our room and was only to be seen running down the strip (with his keepers) or when he needed a change of clothes.  Oh and of course he BARELY managed to make our 20 minute wedding.  That's about as much as we saw of PG last week.  She vowed to spend the entire week with a GF and came home for clean clothes and just long enough to get her chores done.  Otherwise she would have been broke all week.  We did insist that the girls stay at our house 2 nights of the week in fear that friends parents would soon kick them out.  (Not really)  However by the time they got back to the house in the evening from "hanging out" it was bedtime for the DH and myself.  But she was still home.  On Tuesday, I believe, PG sent her DD a text asking if he could change friends oil when he got home from work.  Being that the DH and I love to be around each other so much and work for the same co. he happened to be in my office when he received this text. 
We both looked at each other and laughed.  Several thoughts ran through our minds.
We were both pretty confidant neither one of them had oil or a filter. 
Wondered if they knew what an oil filter even was.
I was pretty sure friend already had a appointment on Friday for an oil change. 
The DH decided it would be a much better conversation to have when he got home & didn't respond to the text. 
Upon arriving home PG asked:
did you receive my text?
DH: Yes
PG: Well can you?
DH: Um, what exactly do you think an oil change is? 
PG: Don't you just put new oil in the car?
DH: Well yes, but you also need to drain the old oil out and put a new filter in.  Do you have oil & a filter?
PG: Um, no.  Don't you have one on your truck?  (The DH services rental equipment on daily basis)
DH: Each car is different
PG: Oh ok, so I guess that's a no?
Friend says: Oh well my dad just told me to take it to "the service station" on Friday, so I guess I'll do that.
DH: That sounds like a good plan to me.
To hear those two girls,
Oh you have to do all that.  We didn't know all that stuff.
It was great laugh and good lesson for those two.

Two days later they broke down in the said vehicle.  Not sure whether it is a good or bad thing that the DH didn't change the oil.  Guess we'll have to wait and see what was wrong with it. 

     I took a few pics on St. Patricks Day of PB but then silly me went and deleted them.  That's what happens when you sided tracked with crazy teenagers and PB all wanting to talk to you at once.  I should of known better and set the camera down until they were done.  So I will leave with a shotty iPhone pic of my new goody that will let me carry my big ol beautiful camera and personal goodies in one bag.

I'm off to argue with PB about his head/knee/and any other body part he can come up with that hurts so he can keep climbing out of bed.  Enjoy your week and the beautiful weather!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Help Japan feel a little LUCK after the Devistation

Wow, 10 days has passed since I last posted.  Feels like I've been thru a whirl wind of activites.  But no matter what has been going on with me it's nothing compared to the poor people in Japan.  It will be along time until they return to normal, if ever.  Have you made your donation?  You can make a quick painless donation by texting redcross to 90999, I did.
$10 may be a lot of money to you or not much at all.  To the people of Japan right now it is the world. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Because I need to post

I feel bad for leaving all 2 of followers hanging for so long so I am on here now writing a blog for you....hmm..probably could just call you both and tell you how my week has been!  I have lots to feel LUCKY about this week, so much in fact I am now exhausted! 

Sunday--we visited with lots of family--well not lots but lots for us to see in 1 day.  A visit with my mom that was supposed to be a talk about this little bloggy of mine & it's future turned into a file transfer of blogging lessons and us talking about her work and interests...she really does get side if you were wondering where I get it from there's your answer!  We both have habits of working on several projects at once.  Difference is she is better at finishing them that I am.  I'm working on it. 
We had a great visit though and it makes me feel even more LUCKY to know that great weather and outside gatherings are around the corner so we no longer need to hide in our houses and not see our families & friends. 
Then we headed to lunch to see my o so fab MIL and meet her new beau.  Not shabby if I do say!  wink wink  He seems like a very nice person and we look forward to seeing more of them in the future.  Looks like some baseball games with all of us is in the future!  Who doesn't love a good baseball game!! 

Monday, well it was Monday.  Late to work and it all just went down hill from there.  But when driving home glad that the day was over I thought back about all the things that irritated me and thought how silly was I?  And then my Ah ha moment, another relative was coming to visit me.  Well Aunt Flow you will not get the best of me this month.  Take that!!!  Ever since I had that thought she's been fighting back with great back pains.  Little witch!

Tuesday, I really remember nothing from the workday at all!!  What I do remember is this:  I have the most awesomest teenager, PG, (wait, did I just say that???)  She is pretty awesome, but don't get me wrong she has her Aunt Flow weeks too, this week just happens to not be it!!!  YEAH!!!!  We had the YE Cheer banquet last night.  Not sure why they called it a banquet when it consisted of hot Hawaiian Punch and cupcakes but who am I to judge!  Oh yes we paid all those dues, just kidding,  It was fine.  It was very emotional for a lot of the girls, mine included.  PG received her VARSITY LETTER, the BEST FLIER AWARD and I believe BEST NEWCOMER award(I honestly can't remember what they called it, and I can't even find the dang thing now!)  Oh so proud of her.  She has accomplished a lot this year in cheer @ school & competitively. All while keeping her grades up with minimal threats.  We watched one of the seniors sign her letter of intent to go to MNU.  That, I thought, was really cool!! 

Wednesday.  Today was PB first trip to the dentist.  The past few days we've talked about showing his big, sharp teeth to the dentist and he was ready to go.  That is until we hit the entrance door.  I could tell as we sat in the waiting room this wasn't going to go well.  The longer we waited the closer he go to me.  Hugging my arm like I was going to leave him there and never return. 
Alex, your turn. 
Uh oh here we go.  I so wish there could of been 2 of me, so someone could of been taking photos.  I bet they have surveillance footage.  It would be worth paying for a copy of that.  As they tried to make him comfortable and get him in the chair he was having no part of it.  He actually stood in the hall, pulled his jacket up over his mouth and shook his head no.  After several unsuccessful attempts to get him in the chair.  The assistant tells me
You made an appointment for a cleaning so we're getting a cleaning.  You'll need to grab him and sit with him. 
Guess they can only be nice for so long.  (she really wasn't mean)  She proceeds to tell me where and how to sit and that we will lay his head in the lap of the dentist. 
So starts the big tantrum
NO           STOP         I DON'T WANNA
We got sat down and situated and I think his dentist was hiding behind a curtain somewhere.  In she came, flossed, polished, fluoride brushed--DONE.  BOOM all in about 10 minutes.  But don't get me wrong he whined the WHOLE time!!  But there were no actual tears so I know he was fine.
Off to the prize drawer, just try and stop him.  I bet that drawer felt violated as fast as he snatched a toy out of there.  He didn't even know what he grabbed, he just knew he needed something after all that agony.
Now here's the part I'm a little worried about--he gets to pick a new toothbrush & a t-shirt.................we are now the proud owners of a pink toothbrush and a purple t-shirt.......WTH????  Safe to say his photo won't be going on the "t-shirt photo wall" in their office, that is unless I can dye it, let's say good shade of BLUE maybe. 
But NO SUGAR BUGS (that's cavities for you peeps that don't or haven't had little ones for a while)  Now if he can get 10 punches on his card-1 for each visit with No sugar bugs-they will give him $50.  Seems like a deal right.  Do you know that is 5 years with no cavities?????  We won't count on seeing that $$. 

Have great rest of your week!  I'm still busy this week so I hope to catch up with the both of you again this weekend!  :)
There are no photos in this post.  But rest assured I've been taking some.  Frankly I'm just to tired to mess with right now and the 2 of you have probably seen a few on FB already! 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Models

It's no secret if you know me at all that I have been practicing up on my photogra-momma skills the last few years months.  I started a few years ago but only really started to learn this winter.  Practice, Practice, Practice.  And more practice.  This is what it takes and what I need to improve.  It has always been the norm for a camera to be out @ the house but for me to pick it up and use it all the time is now the new norm.  Here is the latest photos of my models for you to enjoy...PG & PB

 Aren't I LUCKY to have such great models!  If  I didn't love them so I think I'd fire them!  ;)  Notice PB ducking down behind the table??  He was all about me taking a photo of his moon sand mess disaster he made but oh no don't get him in it.  And PG well she either ducks for cover as well or gives me a big cheesy smile with her tongue sticking out.  I think I may actually prefer this version.  Looks like are a little sick of me taking their photos.  One day they will thank me for taking all these photos and realize how LUCKY they are to have all those memories. 
Enjoy your Sunday.  I'll  be torturing these sweet children again tomorrow with the camera!

Thursday, March 3, 2011


This photo was taken 3/1.  We were finally LUCKY enough that our schedules matched up with some friends so off to M&M night!!  Short for Mexican & Margaritas!  YUM!  There is a little restaurant that we all frequent so we decided to meet there.  And as LUCK would have it I made sure we arrived 2 minutes before the end of Happy Hour.  I had heard and seen photos of a 60oz margarita and if you've ever had theirs you always leave wanting more.  I really want to know their secret!  Of course I'm going to get the biggest bang for my buck and so the birth of my 60oz Margarita and death of me for the evening begins!
I should have known by looks on every ones face and by everyone I mean everyone in the entire restaurant (all 10 of them) that I was in for a hurtin'!   1/2 thru my GF decided she would help me finish it and it's a good thing she did or I might not be typing this today. HA!  I do remember the DH asking Jose, our waiter & part owner, just how much tequila is in that? A Whole Bottle?  Jose replies with a grin, almost.  While it truly is most delicious it is safe to say next time I'll order 1 size down (it is significantly smaller) so I can remember the entire dinner conversation and lay off the bad advice I gave my PG on a troublesome friend.  Whoopsy!!  I retracted my statements the following day.  That's another topic of conversation we won't get into now.  And probably best left off of the blog. 
LUCKY for me the DH was there to drive me home.  We arrived home safely and just in time for the PB and me to hit the hay, 8:30pm.  I was nice and rested the following day! 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Do you feel LUCKY?

 Today I will start by telling you I have decided in my blogs I will reference my children as PB-PeculiarBoy and PG-PeculiarGirl. Sometimes these names are actually very fitting! The hubby will have his own call name too, hmm let's see we'll call him, oh why confuse myself we'll just call him hubby!

A funny this week from PB:
During our routine bath Monday night he points to his nipples and says
Mom-What is this?
Now I'm thinking to myself what word so I use that will be appropriate for him to repeat. Let's face it you know they are going to. He's like my personal recorder these days. I came up with nothing so I yelled for the hubby. I have PB repeat the question.
Those are your man boobs..........see I have them too. (lifting up his shirt)
Really, boobs, that's what you want him to repeat??
As I'm telling hubby I'm not sure that's the word we want him repeating at school I hear
Mom-Can I see yours?
OMG ROFLMAO No honey you can't see mine.
Mom-Let me see yours.
No honey you can't see mine.
Ugh and gives me the look of what is your problem..........

     A month of LUCK. I've given myself a little project for the month of March. I am going to post a photo for each day of the month for things I feel LUCKY about. I believe this project will open my mind a little more to the things we sometimes take for granted along with letting me work on my photography/photoshop skills. There may or may not be a story to go along with the photo. I tried to post this yesterday but just got a little busy. So here is my first post. This contains 4 photos as I just couldn't decide what I wanted to post first. I feel VERY LUCKY to have the family I do! While there are some members missing from these pics. I am speaking of EVERYONE in my family!! I love you all very much!


     And I am not loading a photo for this next item but this makes me feel LUCKY!

Tuesday when I go to p/u the boy, I walk in the class room and he says
MOM!! A L E X (he spelled his name)
OMG! I didn't even know they had been working on that! I was so shocked and proud I almost had flowing tears! (I saved those for the car ride home) His teacher told me they had been working on their names since Monday. Since Monday, it's only Tuesday! So proud of that little guy!!! 

Happy March Everyone!